broad smile
- 满面笑容;咧开嘴的笑

He greeted them with a wave and a broad smile .
She hopes that every kid can have a clean mouth and a broad smile .
All mine , he says with a broad smile .
Now her eyes shine and her face is filled with a broad smile .
His face cracked with a broad smile .
Even though her coach was often grouchy , she maintained a broad smile and a good attitude .
The girl in the snapshot wore a broad smile , her long hair flowing in the breeze .
Fields , 53 , is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait .
Tarhouni rose fast in the rebel leadership ; he had kinetic energy and a broad smile , and he quickly won friends .
The man in the photo with the grey moustache , black-framed glasses and a broad smile is beloved for the beautiful worlds of fantasy he has created .
He was known for walking the streets of the cities where he worked & tasting the local food , meeting as many people as he could , speaking Arabic , listening with a broad smile .
Rocko Gieselman looked like any other undergraduate at the University of Vermont but perhaps a little prettier , with pale freckles dancing across porcelain skin and bright blue eyes amplifying a broad smile .
Tripoli 's ambassador , Ali Abdalla Awidan , arrived at AU headquarters Monday wearing a broad smile and a pin bearing the insignia of the rebel Transitional National Council .
The clotted story involves how these different groups are juggled with a broad smile and some fancy footwork by Huo An ( Mr. Chan ) , the leader of the Silk Road guard .
Maintaining eye contact , regular breathing and a broad smile impress employers that ' you 're prepared for the weakness question , ' says psychotherapist Pat Pearson , author of ' Stop Self-Sabotage ! '
When they got close enough , Dawson looked up with his usual frown , but when he saw it was Amy , a broad smile changed his entire face as he said , " Hello Miss Amy . I see you 've got a little friend with you today . "
His broad , warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance .
" That 's the closest I 'll ever come to getting a knighthood ," he said , flashing something we never thought this magnificently intense actor was capable of : a broad , blinding smile .